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I Am Just Curious . . .

13 Magic Words from Network Marketing trainer Big Al: I am just curious . . . ? I just found out . . . Would it be ok if . . . ? Some examples of how we can use them: I am just curious do you like perfume and cosmetics? I just found out how to save money on high quality beauty products. Would it be ok if I gave you some free info about it? I am just curious do you know anyone looking to earn some extra money? I just found out how to earn money by helping people save money on perfumes. Would it be ok if I gave you some free info to pass on to your friends? I am just curious do you get much time off work? I just found out how I can earn more money and work less hours. Would it be ok if I emailed you some free info about it? I am just curious do you know any uni students? I just found out how they can save money on cosmetics and earn money alongside their course. Would it be ok if I gave you some free info to pass to them? I am just curious do you get a car with this job? I just found out how to I can get a car whilst helping people save money. Would it be ok if I sent you some free info about it? I am just curious do you like to save money? I just found out how to get high quality perfumes, cosmetics and home products at discounted prices. Would it be ok if I sent you some info about how you can register for free savings too? Give these a try. Practice using them every day and they will become a habit and one that could help to grow your income


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 Julita Habet and  Roy Strong

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